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The Proctor is the immortal figurehead leader of the nation of Azrune. Although only an advisor to the Prime Minister, the Proctor in practice wields a great deal of respect and leverage in the government. He has the appearance of a small boy with dark hair and eyes, although it is a well known fact he has served in excess of a hundred years.


It is unclear exactly who or what the Proctor is, or how he came to be. Like most things going back to the Gold Age, his beginnings are a mystery. However, no study of the Proctor has been undertaken as to do so is perhaps the only scientific taboo in Azrune.

Appearance and Behaviour

Appearing a boy of roughly ten, the Proctor's appearance has not varied in any way in living memory, right down to the clothes he wears. He has been known to smoke a pipe. He is also in the habit of speaking in cryptic and archaic turns of phrase, as well as inventing words and mixing metaphors seemingly at random.